We are going to take over your Office World!

We are the people that wear the blue shirt and Khakis in your office.
You underestimate us, but we rule your world through the power of the blue shirt.
There are other shirts that try to have the power we do, but FAIL miserably!

Godly shirt!

BOW to the Blueshirt!

Green Shirt  Go hug a tree! You do not belong in our world.
Grey Shirt  Start collating bitch, because you belong in the mail room
White shirt El camerero, serve this, and don't spill your double venti extra hot carmel macchiato..
Purple shirt Hey Barney, don't fool the kids, because you aint no dinosaur.
Pink shirt

Molly Ringwall wore pink once in 86. White snake was #1, Mullets were flowin, and hyper color was in. Seriously...

Black Shirt Clubs open at 11pm, go home
Red Shirt You are en Fuego and need to be stomped out.
Tan Shirt check it out you already have half of the required fatigues.
STRIPE SHIRT The problem with these people require a WHOLE other page....
Don't think I don't sleep in these clothes, because I do!

If you think my underwear don't match, you are sadly mistaken.
I live and breathe the color blue, and I will inflict pain on those who don't feel the same.
Only Bob Ross understands this lethal color combination, so bow down to the blue shirt, and my tightly fitted khakis.